
We are living in a world where we barely survive to get through life. The land is where we come from, where we go back to. We are breathing, we are waiting, as if something is about to happen. Or perhaps something has already happened, and now it is just coming back to us. With a tender and touching embrace, if there is a tomorrow, will we all re-encounter yesterday's gesture?


yesterday’s gesture focuses on the ways in which artists consider landscape, nature, and their intertwined relationship with humanity across space and time. Featuring four artists Alchemyverse, Gohar Dashti, Katherine Mitchell DiRico, and Sue Yang, this exhibition houses a collection of places and glimpses of memories, emphasizing the symbiosis between people and land. With a selection of site-specific installation, ceramics, photography, and drawing, the artists have imagined what landscape means for our livelihood within a grander scale of time. Here, sound, wood, scorched Polaroid, tea leaves, foraged rock, and earth substrate all have ties to the land. These artists reflect on how we experience and view a landscape, pondering our memory of memories. Ultimately, it is about the displacement of humans and the attempt to search for our place in the vastness of lost time.

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