James Clar (Filipino American b. 1979, USA) studied Film and Animation at New York University and received his Masters from NYU’s Interactive Telecommunications Program. His work explores the conceptual and narrative potential of light and technology. These systems are integrated into our daily lives, altering the way we receive information and communicate. They inform our perception of reality, time, and space. Every system for communication enhances certain types of information while limiting and simplifying others. These modulated effects to our perception have become a thematic focus to his works and a way to experiment with narrative forms.
Select Works
  • James Clar, Space Folding , 2021
    James Clar
    Space Folding , 2021
  • James Clar, Nobody's Home, 2016
    James Clar
    Nobody's Home, 2016
  • James Clar, Freefall v10, 2015
    James Clar
    Freefall v10, 2015
  • James Clar, Freefall v92014, 2014
    James Clar
    Freefall v92014, 2014
  • James Clar, Rain Reduction, 2012
    James Clar
    Rain Reduction, 2012
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