• PRAISE SHADOWS ART GALLERY Praise Shadows Art Gallery is a contemporary art program based in the Boston area with a...
    Nicole Wilson's exhibition Ötzi at Praise Shadows, 2021, image by TJ Proechel.


    Praise Shadows Art Gallery is a contemporary art program based in the Boston area with a focus on exceptional artists working in all artistic disciplines. Our worldview is informed by the notion that the artworld's untapped and unrecognized potential is worth cultivating, supporting, and championing. Since our founding in December 2020, the gallery has placed artworks by our artists in esteemed public collections, and our exhibitions have been covered widely in major international media outlets. Our work is grounded by partnering closely with artists to develop opportunities in traditional and emerging models of creativity and entrepreneurship — exhibitions, commissions, brand partnerships, new technologies, and original concepts that no one has ever tried before. 


    “Were it not for shadows, there would be no beauty.”
    ― Jun'ichirō Tanizaki, from the book In Praise of Shadows (1933)

  • Team

    Yng-Ru Chen, Founder and CEO
    Jayna Mikolaitis, Gallery Manager, Sales and Marketing